What is Stabilize Finance?

Not your average farm. Not your average community.

In a nutshell, Stabilize aggregates arbitrage. We offer users to deposit into strategies which execute arbitrage trades between proxy tokens via executor bots. Users just have to deposit, and the sophisticated trading code does all the work. The best is, users even get rewarded with STBZ or STBB for providing liquidity. Everything runs on-chain, and the executor bots which take care of triggering the trades are run by Stabilize community members, to ensure a decentralized and redundant execution of trades.

Stable coins and other proxy tokens like wBTC despite their name have fluctuation in price due to supply and demand differences. When these fluctuations occur, the higher priced stable or proxy coin is sold for ether lower priced one. We offer Defi users a chance to take advantage of arbitrage opportunities, while being 100% open source and having providing platforms for asking questions and learning about this process.


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